
Used when a post talks about our services.

Why Your Site Should Have a Blog

Why Your Site Should Have a Blog

What is a blog?

By definition a blog is a regularly updated website or web page, typically one run by an individual or small group that is written in an informal or conversational style.

Expand Your Opportunities to Be Found

When a blog comes to mind most people think of them as something for hobbies or personal experiences. While this can be true in many cases, blogs are a very valuable addition to any website. It has been proven time and time again that content is king when it comes to ranking high on search engines. The more content you have the more pages you get indexed. The more pages you have indexed the more chances for someone to stumble upon a page to your site on search engines. In fact companies / businesses that blog have about 434% more indexed pages. With that being said it will still take interesting relevant content to draw that user into clicking your link. Not to mention you want your blog posts to represent your company and what you do to stay relevant to your niche.

Utilize Social Media Marketing

Have you ever read something on a website and felt the urge to share it with your coworkers or friends on social media? With a blog your clients / users will feel the same way about sharing your posts. This will not only draw in new users but also create relevant, high quality link backs to your site that search engines love. It would also be best practice to share all your own posts on all your businesses social media pages to draw in all your followers or anyone that stumbles upon your pages. Each tweet, share, or like of a blog post adds potential to grow the number of leads to your website.

Another Way to Communicate

Every post on your blog should have a comment form to give your viewers / audience another way to contact you. This gives you the opportunity to reply to their comment and possibly assist or start a discussion with them showing them you care, your knowledge, expertise, and that you are actually there for them.

Self-Promotion Your Services / Accomplishments

With a blog you have a way to more explain why someone would benefit from your services / product and show them off. Through your blog you can easily demonstrate a product or show finished projects your business has done for other clients. You can also get word out for awards, coming events, or post on how an event went.

How We Can Help You

At Cibbster Designs we do not only create unique blogs that match your current website layout or make one with a website we are creating for you, we also show you how to use your blog and how to keep it up. We are pros at designing and coding WordPress themes and will do everything in our power to get your blog looking and functioning the way you want it to. Contact us today to see what we can do for you!

Importance of Mobile SEO Optimization

Mobile SEO Optimization
If you have a website that is already optimized for search engines, there are some additional things you would have to think about doing when optimizing for mobile. One thing you really should think about is page speed. Mobile devices are not as powerful as PC’s so it would be best to optimize your images, minify code, leverage browser caching, and reduce redirects. It is also important to know that now it is good to not block CSS, JavaScript, or images for mobile devices. Back in the day mobile devices could not fully support one or all three of these elements, but now for the most part that’s not the case anymore, and GoogleBot and other Search Engine spiders wants to be able to see and categorize the same content that users do. So it’s smart not to hide it. These elements also help Google understand if you have a responsive site or a different mobile solution. You should also never use flash due to the plugin not being available on many mobile devices. Popups are also a no-no and could be frustrating on mobile devices causing a higher bounce rate. You should think of margins, line height, and word spacing. This also includes button size and button spacing. It’s also important to remember that you are working with smaller screen size when a user is searching on a mobile device. It is a good idea to optimize titles and Meta descriptions so that you show off your best in SERPS, without sacrificing the quality of the information when creating titles, URLs, and Meta descriptions. Another good practice is to use Schema structured data and rich snippets, these are even more likely to stand out on mobile than on desktop due to limited screen space. It’s important not to forget if your business has a local element to optimize your mobile content for local search, this would include standardizing your name, address, and phone number, while including your city and state name in your sites metadata.

Let us at Cibbster Designs take care of all this for you. Rather we make you a site or make your current site mobile friendly, we keep best mobile SEO practices in mind.

We make sites mobile friendly!

Mobile Friendly Web Design
Every website made at Cibbster Designs comes both Desktop and Mobile ready. We use different techniques to make your website accessible both on mobile devices and desktop computers so users get the same great experience no matter what device they choose to use to access your site. These days it is also important to have a mobile friendly website to get good rankings on today’s top search engines such as Google, Yahoo, and BING!. Using Javascript, CSS, and HTML Cibbster Designs creates fast loading, visually appealing, and easily usable mobile websites.

Why do you need a Web Presence?

Online Web Presence
There are many reasons you should consider a Web Presence for your business. With a web presence you can reach millions of people that may never come across what you have to offer! You can reach people worldwide, there is nothing to lose only to gain. Cibbster Designs can give you a quote and explain to you how a Web Presence can personally help your business. Get a QUOTE today!